Signed in as:
Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist with NASM (National Association of Sport Medicine). Every time I meet with a new client, my goal is to help them change or improve their lifestyle and bring it to the NEXT level by helping them set new goals!
I offer to all my clients nutrition coaching and teach them how to develop good eating habits and guide my clients through the process. All my clients get RESULTS! I have very positive feedback from clients that work with me, saying they are very satisfied and happy with their results! I consider myself very passionate about health, fitness, and nutrition.
I take your fitness goals seriously. I understand that losing weight and gaining muscle can be challenging, and MY goal is to help you overcome hurdles and reach your goals. I analyze your body type and your body composition to create your individualized fitness plan.
80% of the equation is what you put in your system. Most plans include healthy eating and exercise, to ensure the best results for my clients. I will work with you to keep you on track and MOTIVATE YOU to reach your goals.
I understand that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often fails. My goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes a part of who you are and a part of your lifestyle. I strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
Susan en muchas ocasiones te he dicho que eres mi salvavidas. Eso lo digo muy en serio. Me has salvado la vida. Soy exportadora, tengo negocio propio, tengo 52 años. Soy madre de 2 y abuela recién estrenada. Soy diabética Tipo I,dependiente de insulina. Desde que tuve la dicha de comenzar a entrenar contigo he bajado mi consumo de insulina diario, mejorado mis niveles de Hemoglobina Glicosilada. Siento mucha energia y siento un cambio positivo en mi cuerpo. Además entrenando contigo me siento que estoy logrando algo positivo diariamente y para mi futuro. También es un reto, pero a la vez super entretenido. No me cabe duda de que lo hemos logrado a través de tu conoximiento, experiencia, la conección de respeto personal que hemos logrado. Cuentas con el conocimiento necesario para poder dirijirme, siempre estás enfocada en que realice los ejercicios correctamente, me cambias todos los dias los ejercicios, lo que lo hace más interesante para mi llegar al gimnasio y sorprenderme con la variedad de ejercicios y técnicas que aplicas cada vez que entrenamos.
Agradezco la oportunidad que tengo de poder entrenar contigo y espero poder contar con ella por siempre.
Personal Training in Weston Hills
Angie's transformation -Training 4 MONTHS
Monday - Friday
8 AM, 9 AM, 3 PM
You will train for one hour and we will discuss your nutrition and health goals.